Thursday 16 March 2017

Let your confessions rule you


Confessions in the Greek language is Homologea, which means speaking the same things in consent with. Someone may ask, speaking the same things in consent with what? with the Word. That is what He talking about. When we talk about confession many say to themselves is that really necessary. To them an ideal Christian is a Christian who is always soaked in prayer. Yes prayer is good, infact the bible edge us to pray consistently, but is also says in (Hebrews 10:23) ..Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

Which means confessions are also very important. For they are Affirmations of your faith in God's Word. When you confess the Word, you are insisting on what God has already done for you and by that it is manifested in your life.
So never take confession likely. Insist on you health, prosperity, success and victory. Hallelujah.

Thank you dear Father for you word today. For by it I know what is done for me. By this knowledge I refuse to walk in lack, defeat or failure. For I'm the blessed of Abraham, and I refuse to walk defeated.

If you have not accepted Christ Jesus Into your life, you would like to help you today.


Dear Jesus, I need You in my life. I acknowledge that I have sinned and I come to You right now confessing that and asking your forgiveness. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I believe You are the Son of God and that God rose you from the dead for my Justification.

I open the door of my heart and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Please take control of my life from here forward and make me the kind of person you want me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer Congratulation Christ Jesus has come to live in you. You can now find a local Church to be baptized, and also to be thought the Word of God.
Please post you comments, for we will be glad to hear from you.

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